Chiropractic Testimonials

"I suffered from hand, wrist and elbow pain and restricted motion for years. I was forced to use steroids to be able to play piano, which is my profession. No treatments provided consistent relief. Xrays at the Regen Clinic clearly showed advancing arthritis. Since Stem Cells are at the heart of healing response, and treat the cause, I had injections in my elbow, wrist, and shoulder and at first experienced gradual improvement. However six months after treatment I`m able to fully extend my wrist for the first time in many years, with no swelling in the wrist. I`m pain free with full use of hand and arm. The results are excellent, and I`m very pleased with the treatment outcome and followup care I've received at the clinic."
- Anonymous
"Dr. Halverson,
I just want to take a moment to thank you again for the help you have given me in relieving the pain in my neck and shoulder. As you know when I came to you I came kicking and screaming all the way. My family did not use chiropractors only people who didn’t know better used them and I certainly knew better.
I have been under a neurosurgeons care in Atlanta for over 6 months. The MRI showed degenerative vertebra and cartilage was greatly reduced in the c-3, c-4, c-5 and c-6 vertebra. I also had bone spurs and arthritis in my shoulders. Not bad enough to operate he said so I was given a regiment of pills to take three times a day working up to 9 pills a day at 300 mg per pill for a total of 2700 mg/day. The maximum dosage wad 3600 mg and I made decision I wasn’t going to do that the rest of my life. Some friends kept telling us to see you and I always diplomatically declined. So being who they are they went ahead and made an appointment for me without my knowing. I started to refuse again but really didn’t have any other place to turn so I came.
You worked on my neck and shoulder for about a week the 1st week of June and again today. I started seeing results after the 1st visit and at the end of the 1st week I had no pain whatsoever in my neck and shoulder. I could actually move my neck from side to side and up and down further—with no pain—than I have been able to in over 5 years. I was a little concerned about going back to Atlanta with you being here in Brunswick and what was I going to do if something happened. Nothing happened! My neck did get a little stiff but no pain. After our session this morning it feels great. If all I have to do for the rest of my life is see you every two or three weeks for a quick adjustment then I’ll be happy. I did see my neurosurgeon last week at Piedmont and thanked him for his help over the past few months and told him that I felt much better and would not be back. Best decision I’ve made in a long time.
What a turnaround in my thinking. After talking about it with members of my family they are starting to see the light also. It’s amazing what we do or don’t do based on preconceived notions and ideas.
PS, my wife’s shoulder is much better after your seeing her this morning and she is anxious for her visit tomorrow."
- Ted C.
"I worked for years as a secretary. When I first came to see Dr. Halverson, I suffered from sinus and allergy problems, my entire left side ached and I experienced pain and numbness in both feet. I had seen a foot specialist and another physician for allergies. I received medication and unfortunately saw no longstanding results. It got to the point where I no longer could do housework more than 15 minutes without resting. After Dr. Halverson examined me, he performed chiropractic and physical therapy including a type of traction developed by a former Nobel Prize winner, which really helped my neck. My allergy and sinus problems are gone. My feet feel the best they have in many years, and the back pain is gone. I have not taken a pain pill, aspirin, or sinus pill in 18 months, and my blood pressure has dropped almost 75 points. I am better, I feel better, and am amazed at the results."
- Tina
"I am a secretary and college student. I was in an auto accident and began having severe headaches and back pain. I had previously been working primarily on my feet, but following the accident, I was in too much pain, and eventually had to change jobs. Since beginning treatments with Dr. Halverson, the backaches have all but disappeared and the headaches are much less frequent and intense. The benefits achieved have been better flexibility, increased range of motion in my spine, increased stamina, and an overall increase in my well-being. My muscles are much more relaxed and I do not feel so tired all of the time. I am still under care, but expect a full recovery."
- Vicky
"Dr. Halverson makes sure his patients are getting the specific care for each type of problem. I think he is a very pleasant and skilled doctor."
- David
"When I first came to see Dr Halverson it was for injuries I received in a car accident. My entire spine hurt and I had neck and arm pain and tingling. I was seeing good response to the treatments and asked the doctor during a visit whether he thought anything could be done naturally to help Fibromyalgia, which I have suffered with for years. I`m a nurse and was told nothing could cure Fibromyalgia, only certain medication is effective for the symptoms. Therefore I never mentioned the fibro in our initial consultation. He assured me the clinic had successfully treated fibro patients and there were several very well documented therapies which produce predictable results. He then added them to the program I was on and within weeks I experienced Amazing results. Restful sleep replaced tossing and turning watching the clock, and with sleep came great increased energy and stamina. I hadn`t slept soundly for years, and that alone was wonderful. The pain decreased steadily, all the numbness from the accident was gone and I began walking and swimming again for exercise. I now feel GREAT and all my friends I referred to Dr Halverson rave about their experience there. The staff truly care about their patients` welfare and even though I have worked at several renowned hospitals, Dr Halverson`s clinic`s professionalism is second to none. My husband is a respected personal trainer and he believes that Dr Halverson`s background in martial arts and athletics gives him a unique insight into therapy and rehab which he incorporates into his treatment regimen. I can`t thank you enough for what you`ve done for me."
- Eva W.
"I have been suffering from low back and neck pain and dizziness for a long while. After I saw how chiropractic care helped my son, I decided to give it a try. I had been to doctors and tried all kinds of pain medications in the past and nothing worked. Since starting care with Dr. Halverson, he took x rays and showed me how my neck curve was reversed from an earlier trauma. This stretched my spinal cord and stressed my nervous system. Since beginning chiropractic treatment, I have seen nothing but progress from the very first day. The benefits have been a decrease of all pain and dizziness, and an increase of strength and flexibility. It has made my life better. Chiropractic care works. I wish I had started sooner."
- Stephanie
"I have had increasingly frequent and more intense seizures for many years. Medical care had been tests and prescribed medication, but the seizures continued to increase. I knew Dr Halverson from martial arts training when I was young, and recently came to his office to say hi and catch up personally. When I mentioned the severity of the health problems I experienced that had seriously impacted my life, he quickly examined me and explained the link between the upper neck and brainstem, and the importance neurologically of that area. No physician had mentioned there might be a cause that could be treated naturally before. He made it easy to understand and then gave me an adjustment. I left feeling released tension in my neck, and that night had only 1 seizure, when I usually had many, often severe. I returned and told him how much it helped, and he gave me another treatment. That time, I went for several days without 1 seizure. My wife and I were both amazed. Since then I have received perhaps 7-8 treatments and only rarely have an episode. I am almost completely off all my medications, some of which caused serious side effects. My wife saw Dr H for her sciatica and immediately experienced positive results. I am glad I stopped in to say hi, the results have been great!"
- Mike
"I began treatment with Dr. Halverson when I was a youngster and suffering from intense migraine headaches. My mother brought me to him after having tried numerous other treatments and physicians, none of which had corrected the problem. Dr. Halverson did an exam and began chiropractic treatment on my neck and upper spine, and I noticed a decrease in head pain. After only a few weeks, I was free of the pain. I am in college now and still see Dr. Halverson for treatment of various injuries to my spine, knees, and so forth. My migraine headaches have never returned!"
- Bobbie
"I had numbness and radiating tingling and pain in both legs for years following leg surgery. It had progressed so at times I couldn`t feel my foot as though it was asleep, but for hours at a time. Medication didn`t really help. When I first tried the Neuropathy Dr. program I was skeptical, but after only a couple treatments felt a real improvement. After going through a treatment series I`m amazed at the results for what was becoming a serious problem, and the program is natural, no nasty side effects."
- Jim G.
"I was in an auto accident and really hurt my neck and spine, had intense headaches, and numb fingers. I work in retail and pain made it hard to work. I seen other chiropractors before, and also saw an MD specialist who suggested neck surgery. Medication didn't help for long, and I felt weak taking pills Dr. Halverson was the first doctor to explain spinal pain so it makes sense, and his care plan was logical and in steps. After 2 months of treatment, I feel better than before the accident. He taught me stretching and exercises to stay limber and strong. I learned a great deal, his office is a very special place."
- April H.
"I couldn't turn my neck after a fall. Dr. Halverson x-rayed me and showed how the curve was going backwards a little. He started treating my neck and spine to restore the curve. I had seen other chiropractors before him, but his treatments were very different. In 2 days I could turn my head again. After 3 months my second x-ray showed the curve was normal again. His approach is very scientific and he explains things well. He is a very caring doctor and does a good job helping people."
- Melissa B.
"I had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and hurt consistently in my spine, legs and arms. Dr. Halverson treated me with synaptic therapy and chiropractic. After 5 weeks I am pain free and sleep all night for the first time in years."
- Carla D.
"I work construction and hurt my back and right leg in a car accident. I have been to chiropractors for an accident before, but Dr. Halverson was so through and did more to help me then the past. I improved steadily and he prescribed exercise to get stronger and more flexible. His karate background I think gives him a lot of useful knowledge that he gives to his patients, but he explains not to do stretching or exercise too early. The staffs are friendly and rally helpful, it was a great experience."
- Roger D.
"I had a bad low back and neck pain when I came to the clinic at Advanced. The staff immediately makes me feel welcome and Dr. Halverson was a great listener and then told me what I could expect and how he would go about helping me. He said you have to treat the cause to fix the problem, which made sense. I told my family that he is miracle worker, I came in in tears and through the treatment and exercise I now do at home I feel 100% better. I LOVE THESE GUYS!"
- Keyshia A.
"I had sciatica down my left leg and was in sever discomfort when I came to see Dr. Halverson, MD gave me different prescriptions for pain including flexoril and oxycodone. Relief was temporary and I felt unstable, almost drunk form the side effects. The treatment of chiropractic, physical therapy, medical massage and proper stretching and home exercise has done wonders. Now, if I overdo it at work or yard work, a few treatments is all it takes. This office has an amazing staff, experienced and dedicated, and really listens. They explain the how, why, what to expect along the way. Thank you!"
- George G.
"I am in a very physically demanding line of work demanding strength and flexibility to climb off and on locomotives. Prolonged back pain caused inability to exercise, weight gain, higher blood pressure and low energy. I was put on numerous medications, causing me to be drowsy and nauseated. After coming to Dr. Halverson 3 or 4 visits dropped the pain dramatically. I had been worried exercise would make things worse, but began to stretch and walk, and continued to improve. Once I got off all the pills, my energy level and nausea were gone. After only 4 weeks, I can exercise, weight is decreasing and I'm feeling healthy again, walking 15 miles a week. I'm grateful!"
- Willie S.
"My daughter referred me to Dr Halverson who examined me and began treating me for neck and Lower back pain, as well as dizziness and ringing/ buzzing in my ears which had become constant. These symptoms negatively affected my ability to exercise, do my daily chores and my mood. The doctor and staff were friendly, very professional, really listened to me and communicated the idea of treating the cause to gain lasting results. I felt steady improvement from week to week and am very happy with the results, I have no vertigo or ringing any more and my mind is clear, not foggy. I can focus better on daily activities and tasks. I have referred others to the clinic. Thank You!"
- Sandra F.
"I injured my spine severely years ago while working in New York causing severe ongoing lower back pain, stiffness and radiating pain and numbness into my legs and feet. I was sent to the best medical specialists, physical therapists and chiropractors in New York city for treatment. The results were slow at best from all the clinics. When I moved to Brunswick a few years ago I tried several clinics and eventually thought I simply wouldn`t get any better. A friend told me about Advanced Chiropractic Center and I figured I`d give it one more try. When I went to his office, I was in a great deal of pain in my back and legs, and was unable to walk for long before having to stop and rest. I didn`t sleep well because of the leg discomfort which sometimes felt like thousands of ants crawling on my skin. I wasn`t enjoying life! After the clinics in New York, supposedly the part of the country known for premier medical care, I was skeptical I would find quality treatment in such a small town. I was wrong! I made an appointment and he listened to my rather long history while I explained everything, then we discussed the treatment plan he had for neuropathy patients that had been very successful. I was introduced to a whole new approach no one had tried with me before, and the experience Far exceeded my expectations. His plan combining chiropractic treatment, laser, medical massage and the nerve stimulator produced results almost immediately. I was Amazed! I never thought the tingling and ache would go away, but week by week it improved and began to disappear! I began to sleep through the night again, no more annoying ants. His chiropractic treatment is indeed very advanced to what I received before, and as I gained flexibility he encouraged me to exercise and walk. He taught me specific exercises and stretches not even New York`s finest had, and they worked! The medical massage was a combination of loosening muscle and stretching and was very effective. Finding his clinic was a true blessing! I`m 76 now and feel better than I have in years, I`m very active, love fishing and am enjoying my life fully. My last point is that clinic is Truly a Wellness center. The atmosphere is so friendly and the entire staff cares so much about their patients, I`ve never seen anything like that in healthcare. I honestly feel like I`m with family on every appointment. My sincere thanks!"
- Thomas S.
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:00pm
Advanced Chiropractic & Wellness Center
1510 Newcastle St #200
Brunswick, GA 31520