Therapy in Brunswick GA

Rehabilitative goals in physical medicine, i.e. treating musculoskeletal conditions, are quite simple, really: relieve the patient's pain (hopefully with little or no medication which cause side effects) and restore flexibility, strength, and normal function.
With those goals in mind, the question becomes "how best to get the job done." The answer is therapy. Therapeutic (protocols to bring about positive, predictable results physiologically) options consist of a variety of approaches all boiling down to this: help the body to heal itself in Brunswick GA and build upon the process so the problem is corrected.
Our Approach in Brunswick GA
Like most healthcare providers, I have been privileged to treat thousands of people for a wide range of conditions. As a Chiropractor in Brunswick GA, my patient base is similar to orthopedists, physical therapists and neurologists, i.e., conditions affecting the musculoskeletal and nervous system. The best results are gained in my opinion with a multifaceted approach, in other words, a variety of treatments working synergistically to get faster results.
I personally fell four stories from a roof as a young man and it was chiropractic treatment that restored my body. As great as chiropractic treatment can be, there are limitations to any single therapeutic approach.
Exercise is a huge, often neglected piece of the therapeutic puzzle. Passive exercise such as flexion-distraction, neuromuscular massage and trigger point therapy, acupuncture and electrical point stimulation, all allow muscles and supportive tissue to become more balanced in tone. Manipulation restores normal skeletal balance posturally, increasing flexibility and decreasing the onset of spinal degeneration. Resistance exercises such as swimming, calisthenics, thera-ball training, and weight training increases range of motion and strength.
Synaptic Therapy
I'll now introduce you to a therapy very few folks are aware of, except professional, collegiate and Olympic athletes. I've seen astounding results in my clinics over the past eight years with this amazing device. Here's how it works. Synaptic therapy, originated in Canada, is the new kid on the block as far as EMS units are concerned. It represents a breakthrough in therapy and rehab.
Many people suffer from pain. Acute injuries from traumas such as sport injuries, workplace injuries, and car accidents not only cause pain and loss of normal function directly following the incident, but often will cause chronic pain for years afterwards. A condition called fibromyalgia, which is unfortunately very common and can be debilitating because of the pain, has now been found to be linked with insufficient neurotransmitters. Research studies recently released from many Canadian studies reveal that 90% of people treated with Synaptic therapy were not only pain free, but also completely free from any trace of the condition. Normally fibromyalgia is treated with various medications such as Celebrex, Vioxx, Methyltrexate, or Prednisone. All these medications can cause serious side effects and potential liver damage. Chronic fatigue syndrome often associated with fibromyalgia, also causes widespread muscular pain and increasing weakness, along with a drained feeling and loss of energy. Dr. I. John Russell, professor of the University of Texas, San Antonio, states that "many sufferers relate that the condition (fibromyalgia) developed following some kind of traumatic event, physical or emotional, that caused
sleep loss and great stress."
This device is a neurostimulator which works directly in the brain, producing local and systemic analgesia, or pain relief. It also induces neuronal release of serotonin, dopamine, and acetylcholine, all natural pain mediators. Patients in the Canadian study were able to fall asleep within 5-15 minutes due to the increased serotonin from the therapy, which also helped to strengthen their weakened auto immune system. Since most of our healing takes place during deep sleep, you can understand how important this is to full recovery.
Great improvement in sleep, memory improvement, drastic pain reduction,elevation of mood,elimination of numbness and tingling in the extremities, and looser muscles. Endorphins, which are amino acids known to be up to 50 times more powerful than morphine per cc, are also released with this therapy. This device is safe and FDA approved for pain management. It will help any condition that produces pain and allows us to correct many conditions that were formerly untreatable.
Z-Tek is one of the most advanced and effective pain therapies in healthcare today. Developed in Atlanta, it is a nerve/muscle stimulator that has the following effects:
- Increases range of motion in locked joints,
- Decreases muscle and joint capsule pain,
- Decreases muscle spasms and metabolic by products of inflammation in
- muscles, ligament and fascia,
- Increases blood to injured tissues to hasten the recovery process in
- healing, and
- Is safe.
Z-Tek has had such success in physical and occupational therapy that most major colleges, the NFL and NBA training room staffs and the renowned Shepard Spinal Center use it as part of their therapy regimens for pain and rehabilitation. Our office is among the first in Georgia to offer this modality and have experienced excellent results in treating chronic pain, sports and auto related injuries, nerve conditions such as Sciatica and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, and migraine headaches. Z-Tek is also offered in comparatively inexpensive home units for interested patients.
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:00pm
Advanced Chiropractic & Wellness Center
1510 Newcastle St #200
Brunswick, GA 31520